457 Visa Ratio Among Medical and Computing Professionals

As far as Australian Immigration is concerned, it has been found that medical practitioners such as those of nurses and trainee doctors together with computing professionals are the highest in figure to apply. Commonly known as the 457 visa list, it did see a small rise in the numbers in late October and November but it cannot be measured as adequate enough when compared to the earlier numbers. In addition, one of the reasons for this was the employers getting conversant in the new rules and regulations brought out by the DIAC.

A new report on temporary workers in Australians catered proof of the amends made to have had an impact on the regular income which has increased from AU$74,700 to AU$85,300 in the same year during this particular period. This report released by Chris Evans, the Immigration Minister for Australia.

The 457 visas is one of the several visa programs offered by the Australian government to be a magnet for immigrants who are skilled and qualified and could contribute to the Australian economy. The current changes in the pay schemes can be considered as one of the numerous motives that the country is trying to project, particularly when it is under constant criticism.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to inquire if there are any limitations in the 457 visa? I am planning to study too while working in Australia (through my 457 visa of course). Will that be possible? Also, I want to ask your experts if they can recommend good 457 visa health insurance providers? I am thinking to get a private insurance, probably like http://www.austhealth.com/ . But I am hoping to hear other suggestions from you. Thank you so much.


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