Following are the changes, effected from 01 January 2010:
1. English skill prerequisite for all GSM visa applicants who propose trade occupations have greater than before. Now it is necessary to put on a minimum of 6.0 points on Competent English on every of the 4 modules of an IELTS test.
2. Candidates would not increase points for the General Points Test for vocational English. Previously, there was a condition of receiving a least of 5 points for vocational English on every module of an IELTS test.
3. A state or territory would no longer limit future immigrants claiming concessional competent English to accomplish the condition of receiving sponsorship or nomination.
4. Furthermore, if applicant intends to submit an application with concessional competent English, he will need to get an average of 6 points in IELTS test.
5. Main applicants would not be rewarded with points in the General Points Test if they rely on their partner points; given that the afterward have vocational English.
6. The English language standard for future immigrants applying under Skilled-Regional Sponsored GSM Visa class has been enlarged from an average of 5.5 points to an average of 6.0 points in an IELTS test.
Thus one thing is obvious that potential immigrants planning to enter Australia under the General Skilled Migrant Visa category would now need to have higher level of IELTS or English proficiency. On the other hand, the new requirements will only be relevant to applicants who have filed their immigration applications after January1, 2010. Applications filed before the initiation of the changes would not require to meet these standards!