For all who get going, pulling up roots from their homeland can be disturbing. It truthfully is not a simple decision to make, and today about 15% of those who leave their native country decide to return, finding that amending to a new culture society is too difficult.
The easiest changeovers occur when the immigrants can find a group of people made up of people from their native home. They can stay a lot of their old customs while integrating the language of Australia, values and culture. Experience seems to point out that to be happy they need to enthusiastically try to incorporate the new ways and not begrudge the environment being different.
While planning to stay permanently in the Australia, the majority find work and struggle to own a home of their own. They learn the new language and educate their children in the new ways, devoid of having the children cut the bonds that tie them to their inhabitant roots. To respect both countries with love is the goal!
Immigrants have made vast contributions to the economies and cultures of Australia, yet these are frequently made with great difficulty. Newcomers face a lot of challenges in being accepted, and when they get there from being 'pushed' to the Australia, more willingly than 'longing' for it, the change is even harder. occasionally those original dreams just do not come true.
The immigrants who make a very good living in the Australia and are able to send money home to relatives in the resident country are typically glad they made the change. Some are able to set up business links with the businesses back home, helping to simplicity the problems that are faced there. Other immigrants ultimately retire and return to their native land for their old age, only to discover that it, also, has changed.
Australia is my dream. pray for me